Watt Club is this?

Exactly. This is Watt Club, previously known the unofficial Science Club at Twinsburg High School. We pursue a variety of projects and competitions, including the Lego Robotics Competition and the Miniature Bridge Building Competition. This club is only semi-official but we are working on building on our relations with the school.We have created this website to provide greater communication between the members of the Watt Club. The Watt Club is currently being headed by the Watt Board and is advised by Ed. The Watt Board is a small group of self nominated members who run this site and organize the club. Please visit the Watt Board page with any questions or concerns. Even though the Watt Board is in charge the club is still based off the ideas of all the members. The Watt Board has created the following image to be the official seal of the club. This seal is going to be printed on all future publcations and is on the site to prove authenticity.
Watt are you looking at?

For those of you who are curious, James Watt invented the steam engine. The unit watt (watt=joules per second) was named in honor of James Watt.
This page was last updated December 1, 2005 by JAM.